
我只是一顆小石頭,投進水里撲通一聲可能就不見了。但成千上萬個小漣漪,卻能掀起千層浪,變成一場大海嘯,把我們不要的毒瘤都沖走。 STOP LYNAS SAVE MALAYSIA ! Alone, I can only generate a ripple like throwing a stone in the water, disappears after a while. But with you, we can generate waves, and with thousands, we can generate a tsunami, wash away those who want to destroy our homes. STOP LYNAS SAVE MALAYSIA!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

沿海路線 : 5D4N Phuket + Krabi 生日之旅 (3)

Day 3 - 4月6號 ~ Krabi Jungle Tour ~ Part 1 : Emerald Pond 之 Blue Pool


Day 3﹐吃過早餐﹐在酒店偷懶了一下﹐就往我們的目的地出發。
今天要去的地方是Emerald Pond & Blue Pool(在Emerald Pond 地區裡頭) 和原先要去但後來最終放棄的Tiger Cave。

Blue Pool是在Emerald Pond範圍內最裡頭的景點﹐走到Blue Pool之前﹐肯定是會先經過Emerald Pond然後在走一段叢林路(有點Jungle Tracking的感覺﹐不鼓勵獨自走去Blue Pool﹐尤其是女生﹐因為進去裡頭看的人不多﹐都是三三兩兩的)

網上很少有關Blue Pool的資料﹐只能說這裡的水是藍色的(看起來)﹐很清晰﹐可以見底﹐水很冷。據說這個現象是自然的﹐雖然看起來很假﹐好像是做了手腳般的。

**Emerald Pond﹐又名Sa Morakot (用GPS﹐記得要用這個名稱)﹐Thung Tieo Emerald Pond﹐Crystal Lagoon﹐Crystal Pond 或是Emerald Pool。

Day 3 - 4月6號 ~ Krabi Jungle Tour ~ Part 2 : Emerald Pond 之 Nature Trail

其實Part 2和Part 1是倒頭來寫的﹐因為Blue Pool和Emerald Pond有相當的距離﹐從入口處到裡頭﹐你先會看到Emerald Pond﹐然後才看到Blue Pool。
在門票櫃檯寫得很清楚:入門票 當地人100baht﹐外國旅客200baht

Emerald Pond﹐之前﹐我們走了一段至少有1km的叢林。道路的左右全是參差不齊的花草樹木(有點不對了﹐花?我好像沒看到花咧 )﹐有機會的話還可以看到一些小動物。
Emerald Pond﹐又名Sa Morakot (用GPS﹐記得要用這個名稱)﹐Thung Tieo Emerald Pond﹐Crystal Lagoon﹐Crystal Pond 或是Emerald Pool﹐中文名字有翡翠湖﹐水晶湖﹐位于甲米縣Lam Hap Sub-district﹐是座清澈見底的天然池塘。翡翠湖水在陽光的折射下發出有如綠寶石的光芒,且含豐富的礦物,據間在湖裏暢泳對皮膚有益。

(照片: by相機)

這個就是Emerald Pond。

跟著箭頭指示﹐就可以走到Blue Pool

你相信﹐山水流過黃泥沙土﹐地上的水依然很清晰﹐然後流向Emerald Pond?

Day 3 - 4月6號 ~ Krabi Jungle Tour ~ Part 3 : Hot Stream Waterfall

Hot Stream Waterfall﹐又名Hot Spring Waterfall﹐是個溫泉瀑布﹐與Emerald Pond距離大概6KM。

入门票 : 90baht/adult

parking fee : 20baht(如果有驾车驶入~)





The hills inland from the Krabi coast are dotted with hot springs, some of which form an interesting landscape good for a day trip. One of these is the Hot Waterfall in Klong Thom district.
At the Hot Waterfall, hot water rises from several springs and flows through a forest until it tumbles down a bluff into a stream. Over the course of hundreds of years, the minerals dissolved in the water have been deposited on the rocks in such a way as to form large deep pools of water. The sides of the pools are so steep that they don't seem natural, but they are.
One of the major minerals found in the water is copper, which gives the stony deposits a dark green color. The forest, deep warm water, it's all very relaxing. While soaking in the water is considered good for you, be sure you don't drink it. In addition to copper and fluoride, the water also contains traces of lead.




Wat Tham Seua (Tiger Cave)
Located 9 kilometres from Krabi Town, Wat Tham Sua or 'Tiger Cave' is one of the most famous caves in the area. It is part of a temple complex where monks live and worship within a maze of natural caves surrounded by lush jungle. Inside one of the caves are what appears to be tiger paw prints embedded in the stone.

Wat Tham Sua teaches a form of Buddhism called Vipassana (insightful meditation), which is based on the teachings of the earliest Buddhist texts and is also a famous meditation retreat (see temples).

The main tourist attraction however, is the 1,272 step climb up a limestone tower to see the 'footprint of the Buddha'. It's not an easy climb especially in the heat, but you will be rewarded at the top with stunning 360° views of the surrounding countryside and the Andaman Sea.

上山頂需要上 1237 級樓梯

Wat Thum Sua (Tiger Cave Temple), 除了佛廟,入面尚有一個觀音廟 。

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