
我只是一顆小石頭,投進水里撲通一聲可能就不見了。但成千上萬個小漣漪,卻能掀起千層浪,變成一場大海嘯,把我們不要的毒瘤都沖走。 STOP LYNAS SAVE MALAYSIA ! Alone, I can only generate a ripple like throwing a stone in the water, disappears after a while. But with you, we can generate waves, and with thousands, we can generate a tsunami, wash away those who want to destroy our homes. STOP LYNAS SAVE MALAYSIA!

Friday, June 21, 2013

MOS : S stands for Hopes



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從 Christopher Reeve的第3代超人,后來的Superboy, Lois and Clark : The Adventure of Superman, Smallville,  到後來的The Return of Superman,我幾乎都沒有錯過,偶爾都會上網找以往的一些影片來回味。

Clark Kent - age 9: The world's too big, Mom.
Martha Kent: Then make it small. Focus on my voice. Pretend it's an island out in the ocean. Can you see it?
Clark Kent - age 9: I see it...

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(Trailer裡頭的歌曲, Elegy 更讓我听上癮。其實每當不開心的時候,可以戴上耳機聽聽這音樂,感覺上可以calm down自己;當然有些人聽了可能覺得更犯。我是屬於前者)


這第2的trailer一出來就深深地吸引了我。該怎麼說呢?這預告片有點Christopher Nolan & Batman的感覺,像是要帶出超人比較黑暗地一面。後來知道 Christopher Nolan 是 Superman : Man of Steel 的producer ,這加深了我對這一次的超人回歸地期待。

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這個trailler 讓我腦海裡一直浮現這麼一句對白"My son was in the bus, he saw what Clark did"
然後,我真的走進GSC Pavilion找答案。

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14th June 2013, 3.30pm, MOS 2D

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我不算是Marvel或DC 的漫畫迷。但如果你問我Marvel vs DC,我覺得我會比較傾向DC的漫畫人物,因為Marvel 英雄人物感覺上是很兒戲打敗壞人故事就沒了,反而DC的英雄人物故事內容會比較有深度,也值得我們去深思。縱使這一部MOS沒有TDK來得那么有深度。




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電影的開始交代Kripton星球面臨滅亡,超人親生父母如何把他送往地球。而最讓我驚喜的是超人的成長過程,導演選擇了有flashback的方式來描述(我想,如果 Christopher Nolan真的有參與製作,我相信這點子應該是屬於Christopher Nolan的)。

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其實這電影最令我感動的情節不是超人与Zod之間的毆鬥,或是与Lois Lane的對手戲(要知道,這電影并沒有一貫的愛情戲碼),而是超人于其養夫之間的細膩感情戲。(Spiderman与其uncle的感情戲簡直是輸了!)超人養夫希望超人能像其他小孩一樣的生活,而又不會影響人類規則。這也算是保護孩子的一個方法,所以超人養夫希望超人不要他使用超能力,但超人本性善良,卻因為為了救人而曝露身份,也被身邊的朋友"欺負",要他使出超能力。

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Jonathan Kent: You have to keep this side of yourself a secret.
Clark Kent at 13: What was I supposed to do? Let them die?
[brief pause]
Jonathan Kent: Maybe... 

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龍捲風那一部份很感動,超人養夫為了保護兒子,不要超人去救他而喪失性命了。還有一段是超人養母与超人在超人養父墳墓前對話時播出的flashback雖然是輕描淡寫:(超人養母告訴超人,超人養父是有看到超人如何拯救地球人,這畫面是超人小時候披著披風,雙手插腰的那一個畫面),但可以看得出導演和製作人的細膩。我只能說 Kevin Costner 的精湛演技是在太贊了,有Christopher Nolan 參與的超人實在太棒了。

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Jonathan Kent: You just have to decide what kind of man you want to grow up to be, Clark. Whoever that man is, he's going to change the world. 

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Jonathan Kent: People are afraid of what they don't understand.

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Jonathan Kent: You're not just anyone. One day, you're going to have to make a choice. You have to decide what kind of man you want to grow up to be. Whoever that man is, good character or bad, it's going to change the world. 

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Jonathan Kent: You're the answer, son. You're the answer to "are we alone in the universe".
Clark Kent at 13: Can't I just... keep pretending I'm your son?
Jonathan Kent: You ARE my son. And I have to believe that you were sent here for a reason. And even if it takes the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is.

當然這電影也留下了一個疑點。這電影究竟是在為續集或是為了Justice League鋪路呢? 電影畫面出現了Wayne Enterprise 和LexCorp這兩家公司,前者是Batman所擁有的,而後者是超人敵人Lex Luthor所擁有的。

但無論是JL或是MOS2,我都超期待的。而我給予這電影的評價是,如果TDK是 10/10,MOS就大概有8/10。

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Lois Lane: You let them handcuff you?
Superman: Wouldn't be much of surrender if i resisted.
Lois Lane: What this "S" stand for?
Superman: It's not an "S",on my world it means "Hope".
Lois Lane: Well,here it's an "S".How about... Sup...

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另外不得不說的是Hans Zimmer 的配樂實在太棒了。

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